Collaborative Lessons From Three AAPI Business Owners

Collaborative Lessons From Three AAPI Business Owners

Mayily stood in front of the Tao windows and meditated on her next move.

Mali Tao

Which brands are currently the API builders?

Here are three inspiring stories from the creators of APIs from various companies. First of all, Mayly Tao is a self-proclaimed Los Angeles Donut Princess who owns the concept of the Los Angeles Donut Donut. The short sweet 'Don Princess hosts a podcast that explores her mindset, femininity and small business tips ! You can find his Box Fixing at @donutprincessla. It can be seen in Hulu flights and in the Donat King documentary in the USA . Cambodia Oil Donut has its own YouTube channel where you can visit and tell their stories. He hopes to increase the voice and representation of Asian Americans and promises to create a legacy for future generations of Asian Americans.

He later started his coffee business at the Thinking Cup in Boston and the Barista Society in Los Angeles. Buck currently resides in Los Angeles, California and is currently working on Boba x Ice Cream Summer 2022 nationwide.

Finally, there is Celeste Perez, a Filipino-American entrepreneur with experience in branding, product development, multimedia content creation and marketing. The latest food and beverage product is Droplet, an adaptive stress reliever. A.D. Since its launch in March 2020, Droplet has won two Dillin brand and packaging awards, and is the winner of the BevNet's New Beverage Showdown, InnoBev's packaging design competition and Expo West's New Beverage RTD competition. The brand is now available at, Erewhon Market, Outsourcing and more than 450 independent retailers in the US, Canada and the EU. Here is a round table discussion on how three entrepreneurs have grown their personal brands and businesses.

Baca Juga

How was your Gold Chan 's day job?

Mile Tao: Like traditional Asian parents, they wanted me to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer. Like most first-generation immigrant children, my first job was a family business at DK Donets and Bakery, where I was a shy cashier sitting on a milk carton to get off the screen. My parents asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It was only a matter of time before they asked me an important question. They were shocked when I told them I wanted to be a social worker or a writer. By the way, my mother persuaded me to become a journalist when I went to university. Last time I went to the University of San Diego, after practicing on the San Diego 6 CW network, I realized that radio journalism was not for me. I practiced in public relations and marketing, I thought it would weaken my interest, but it did not make me happy. After I returned to Los Angeles, my family asked me to help out with family business. Over the next decade, DK Donets was built as a company in Santa Monica, creating my own brand and attracting international attention. By the end of 2021, I sold Dicken and decided to set up my own company, Donat Princess LA , for a unique donut bag service with unique applications and opportunities. Increase their profits and donate short podcasts at Don N Princess LA on Short N 'dessert , small business tips, AAPI stories, women's empowerment and thinking. I also started my own business in Turo and rented a car for guests going to Donut Excotics in Los Angeles.

Charn Buck Boba x is the CEO and co-founder of IceCream.

Charn Buck

Char Back Buck - For most of my career, I have been involved in hospitality and business. After graduating from high school, I helped manage and run private clubs, restaurants, and grocery stores, which led me to start my own business, especially in the specialized coffee industry over the decades. Since then I have been exposed to many other industries, but recently I returned to F&B to launch a new premium ice cream brand (Boba x Ice Cream) to combine Asian American flavors with boba magic.

Celestine Perez describes herself as a "Filipino-American + creative brand + universal nutritionist + ... [+] creative woman."

Celeste Perez

Celeste Perez 's "I Didn't Have a Real Job" - I graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Journalism and Entrepreneurship. I thought I was created to be a corporation somewhere, to climb the corporate ladder with benefits and health insurance, but there really was no work. I sent my process to hundreds of job descriptions, I heard nothing and I felt scared.

After not being able to find a “real job” for about a year, I went back to school and tried to get medical treatment (sorry mom and dad!). It was then that I realized that I did not need anyone to give me my job so that I could use my skills and abilities. It was 2011, Instagram was new! I designed the product, I designed the packaging, I designed the website. He contracted the virus in the first month. But when I was very young and very scared to ask for help, I closed it a year later because I was too weak. Although this experience has taught me a lot. The most important thing I have learned so far? I can create brands. So I created Well Fed Brand Studio to share this ability with others.

Since then, I have been the creator of my work. However, I did not call it "Freelance." It gives me a lot more information on how to play the long game while developing my skills on different types of projects. I went my own way, looking for a job. Restaurant brand, jewelry website, product assistant, event photography, audio acting, food guide. When someone asked me, I said yes, I can. I can now take all this knowledge and apply it to my market. I was joking that I was a "Swiss woman".

Chan 's Why did you start your own business?

I started Buck 's work because I had nothing to lose and I was a little dangerous. I wanted to write my plan from an early age and gain experience in designing and building something and I had the confidence to do so. When you create something out of nothing, you get the respect and pride you expect from others to enjoy and live as you think. This is what I want to make sure I can share and do.

I started my own company in Tao ፡ ፡ ፡ because I wanted to serve people and create memories through food. Food is one of my love stories, and being a Donut Princess means bringing kindness and meaning to every community of donuts. Starting your own business gives you ownership and control over what you can't afford to do. I built most of my life for my family and I was ready to build my heritage.

The business I have created is based on the service and hospitality industry, which goes hand in hand with my desire to create unique experiences. Starting your own business is not easy, and trust me, you make some mistakes along the way. But when this journey is realized, it is important to build a brand and realize the vision.

I built my own business to be financially independent and to control my schedule. I know that using my energy will help me to build my own empire. I call for issues that are important to me. Also, I want to be my own boss!

Perez Depression: I actually started Droplet because I was physically sick and tired of trying to pay my clients. I make my whole heart and soul empty their dreams, but every Creator knows how hard it is to pay. About 80% of freelancers say they were contacting the default. Drop was a way to take care of myself.

It's very organic, really! I made the appointment on my calendar and told my team that we would introduce our customers and that we would promote our own brand no matter what. I was so scared that they thought I was crazy, but instead everyone acknowledged that they were worried and shared some tips on how to deal with stress. Then I realized we were all working with adapters! Adaptogens are plant and herbal compounds that help regulate your body's response to stress, but they taste strange. It was a real light bulb moment and I knew we had to be there to create something so beautiful and beautiful that others, especially women, felt we could do.

Chang Dege: Do you believe in cooperation? How did it help you grow?

Perez 's community is everything to me. None of us can do it alone, only human nature. And I know that every time I cross the line, I paint it for every Filipino, for every API leader, for every woman.

I have been a stereotypical "lone wolf" for a long time. This is something we, as entrepreneurs, have learned to be romantic, and the idea of ​​doing everything ourselves is very appealing. I failed in business because I did not understand the value of asking for help. One's business path is very limited, but most of us learn from ourselves. As creators, we can measure our true potential through our community.

I even say that co-creation is the language of love; Giving to each other's growth and prosperity is an expression of love for me. From my Droplet community to my health team, I feel very blessed to be doing what I love every day with people I admire and respect. The best thing we can do is encourage them to cooperate with each other, and if it has a positive impact on the team, I am for it.

Tao: I fully support collaboration with Brand in the framework of collaboration and other similar perspectives and values. It helps me grow because it helps me to be creative in all kinds of collaborations and gives me more power than I think I can. In collaboration, it is a great opportunity for me to learn how things are in different organizations and what can be taken from my company. On top of that, I think collaboration is fun and my favorite campaigns to work with. I have enjoyed working with amazing brands and working with Toyota, PPP, Amazon Studios, Activision, Doordash and many more.

Think: 100%. I believe that great things can happen when you work together, and I believe that relationships are more important than any personal or business success. Growing up with talented creators and teams, I did not have the same experience if I did not have the opportunity to work with those who have the same vision to help each other. One of the most memorable experiences I have had is working together to create a win-win situation with different people.

Which brand or person do you want to work with?

Tao ፡ ፡ ፡ ይሆናል ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ህልም ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ኦ ህልም ሁሌም ሁሌም ኦ ኦ ሁሌም ኦ ሁሌም ሁሌም ሁሌም ሁሌም ኦ ሁሌም ሁሌም ሁሌም ሁሌም ሁሌም ሁሌም ኦ ኦ ሁሌም ሁሌም ኦ ኦ General has always respected the beliefs of popes around the world and on the streets. With all the business ideas I have created, I will never forget the "exciting situation" for a successful brand model.

In the digital age, I realized that dream people can be a direct message from a distance. For the podcast ( Short N 'Sweet ) I was able to contact some of the amazing guests via text message or email. When your "why" agrees with others, I understand that it attracts dream brands, even though you may think the universe is inaccessible.

Perez 's's's a dream come true ! The dream brand I work with will be mine next, then next and next. My experience with the brands we have created so far has really encouraged me. It was amazing to see how much these things meant to our followers and clients when they were all in our minds. We also believe in what we build to bring us closer to the right people and to those who want to be part of our story. We have a wonderful collaboration at work, we can't wait to share it all!

I feel like I am working on a dream brand to promote Back Bob's Ice Cream, with good friends, talented creators and partners, and with personal and professional consultants. The ultimate goal of this brand is not to shake up the ice cream industry by portraying the Bob event, but to use food as a vehicle to share the good things about Asian culture and create a participatory and inspiring future for all. .

Chan: What is your favorite verse and why?

Buck: "I'm fine here, not for long . " - Big Sen.

I think about it because sometimes I create other businesses, so you have to remember that you have to enjoy the process and enjoy creating. There are many obstacles along the way and your goal as an entrepreneur is to find solutions for your business and not to take everything too seriously. You have to be happy with what you are doing, because life always gives you new challenges.

Perez: Look at yourself for nothing.

One of my best friends runs The Honeyblock, BIPOC, and is one of the most encouraging people I have ever met. In my worst case scenario, he took me to a yoga class held in honor of Nippese Husley. He asked us to shake hands and stand before Him during the training. As I was doing this, a passer-by said, "Respect yourself ..." and the song ended on its own tune, "... chasing you."

Self-respect was something I struggled with at the time. You also walked on your own. In many ways I did not understand myself, I was also very concerned about what I was doing for others. I was devastated. But this law sadly reminded me that I have to respect myself for all, and for all my work, all my decisions, all my talents, all my talents. It reminded me that I could give myself anything I brought to the table.

Tao's favorite quote from Manate Teresa is "Everything" because it shows the best compassion for human beings. “You see, there was nothing between you and your God, at least not between them. When you serve others, your irresponsible approach is important. Some people may not understand what you are going through on your creative journey but every time I read this poem it reminds me that I have to be gentle with myself and others and move forward.

Mother Teresa's poem all

People are irrational, irrational and shy;

Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of being selfish and secretive;

At least be good.

If you succeed, you will have some false friends and some real enemies;

For any success.

If you are honest and sincere, people can deceive you;

However, be honest and truthful.

To build something that takes years, one can spend it overnight;

Build anyway.

If you find peace and happiness, you may become jealous;

Be happy anyway.

The good things you do today will be forgotten tomorrow;

At least do it right.

Give what you have to the world, and it may never be enough;

But, give the best you can to the world.

You see, it is finally between you and your God;

But he was never between you and them.

Chan: Who inspires you and why?

My whole family encouraged me. I grew up in a real Filipino community, very noisy, but at the same time very supportive family. Мои родители эмигрировали в США в возрасте двадцати лет, и иногда я волнуюсь, думая о том, как многому им пришлось научиться и как много они должны были оставить мне и моим братьям и сестрам, чтобы делать то, что мы делаем сегодня. Все мы творцы (еще раз извините, мама и папа!), но я знаю, что мы бы не смогли этого сделать, если бы наши родители не верили в нас, если бы они не воспитывали в себе любовь к творчеству. And we are in debt.

There are virtually no restrictions in most, as well as restrictions. There were no puppets; We took it outside, and it was very tight. We have been boasting, persecuting, and persecuting, but we have much to say about you. I like it very much. Your feelings are clear. There is no such thing as great curiosity, strong curiosity and companionship! If you want to create your own site, you can create your own site, you can create your own content management tool. I'm definitely losing weight. We offer as many small items as possible.

Back ፡ My consultants at Boba x Ice Cream, Brian BAM (BAM Ventures) and Dev Grutman (Groot Hospitality). They are both size and size, they are based on the size of the business, and are not the same as the size of the room. All changes are the same where they are made and shared with each other. Perfect myths in my book!

That is, it may be the same as before in this series, it will be the first, and it will be one. Выжившая после геноцида, приземлившаяся в стране, где никто и язык не знали, открыв четыре успешных бизнеса, обеспечив свою семью и постоянно думая и влияя на свое сообщество, эта женщина с любовью подходит к миру, несмотря на свой собственный мир. He was immediately arrested. It all has amenities, and our immigrant-immigrants have good days to name a few. They have a lot of people and intelligence, and they have a lot to do with it - these are the qualities that make it stand out. They are not needed, they are, and it is not to support each other that they are ours.

This page, which we used to make when we used the kitchen, is not even here. В конце концов , я собрал ее рассказы и опубликовал книгу о нашем совместном наследии для AAPI Monthly: «Брызги с американскими мечтами: королева пончиков и принцесса пончиков из истории наследия». В книге подробно рассматривается история миграции кхмерских иммигрантов, а также рассказ из первых рук о том, как он владел магазином пончиков, чтобы помочь нашим семьям в Америке. Когда люди сказали мне, как сильно это перекликается с моим документальным фильмом «Король пончиков », я горжусь тем, что смогла рассказать историю моей матери и представить себе, что из себя представляют дети иммигрантов в первом поколении.

በጣም ውድ ሊሆን ይችላል, በአየር ውስጥ ሞቃት ነው, እና አዲስ የአርትኦት ቢሮ አይደለም. በ 2018 በኮምፖቴ ፣ ካምቦዲያ ውስጥ የሱቆች ሰንሰለት ይኖረናል። የዚህች አምላክ ደረጃዎች በካምቦዲያ በዚህ አንድ ተልዕኮ ተፈትተዋል; በካምቦዲያ እና በካምቦዲያ ውስጥ በደንብ የተመሰረተ የሱቅ ግንባታን እንጠብቃለን, እና ብዙ የተለያዩ መገልገያዎች አሉን.

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